It was a real eye-opener for me sit behind the "control panel". OK, I don't know what it's called, but it looks like an airplane cockpit. Here's the view from where I sit...

Can you believe I'll have to operate this contraption BY MYSELF soon? *faint* I can't even begin to explain to you what I have to do to switch from this to that to this to that.... and you know how tech-unsavvy I am!
The Living Room does about 2-3 interviews a day, so I will still get to meet all sorts of interesting people. But can you imagine the number of interviews we have to schedule? It's like 10-15 a week, almost 60 a month! :o
Stanley is really good at putting people at ease! He keeps the studio spick and span between interviews, and cares enough to make sure the interviewees have "warm" water to drink (apparently it calms them down!). He is also very patient teaching me. SIGH. I'm like learn yesterday, today forget already lor! :(
Here's a picture of the area around my desk:

My desk is the one on the right, with the packet of half-eaten Malay food on it. Yes, the people at 938LIVE also tabao from canteen and makan at their desks! :P
Sitting to my left (in white shirt) is Stanley -- look at his messy desk! He can't even eat his lunch there cos he only has one small, small space to move his computer mouse around! :o
The pretty lady in red is Casandra - she hosts Body and Soul - with the "blue blur" (in the pic) beside her, Daniel Martin. Melanie Oliveiro and Eugene Loh sit in front of me, on the other side.
It's a small cosy office. And since everyone takes turns going on air, the whole team is hardly around at the same time. But there is always friendly banter and laughter flying around. The vibes are very positive -- and that's most important to me.
I've got a nickname -- first thing in the morning already kena. :(
Because the office is so small and quiet in the mornings, everyone can hear everyone else typing on the computer keyboards. So here I was replying my email... tip-tapping away furiously... when Stanley looks up and says, "You can always tell when someone is from Publishing. They type like this lor..."
Daniel says it's like I'm killing my keyboard. And so my nickname now is Keyboard Killer. :(
As for the work........ let's just say it's a VERY STEEP learning curve for me. So many technical things I have to learn! I seriously think you need an engineering degree to be in radio. :P And that's just technical........
But I thank God for this opportunity.
There are Vanilla fans in CBC who come up to me to ask why Vanilla closed down, and how I'm coping. I tell them the truth: "I'm still grieving".
My chocolate buddy Diane sent me some Ferrero Rocher today. It arrived in the mail and when I read the note, I almost cried. It brought back a WAVE of memories of Publishing. Guys, I miss you!
But don't worry about me. I'm doing OK in radio and am enjoying the new adventure! As a dear friend would say, "All is good".
Missing you all, and wishing we can meet up again soon. Don't forget me!!!