I'm missing my, missing my Vanilla ice...
Pam is wondering where all us sorry Publishing people have gone. Woman, not everyone has a glam job like yours, okay?! :)
My past week has been spent working for two sets of clients: one, the advertisers (some nice, some nasty). Two, the editorial teams at MPB.
The editors are lovely - but stretched. Don't I know how it feels. Everyone pulls their weight - more than their weight.
Sales are working their bums off. But (can I say this in public) sometimes not very efficiently because everyone's after the same piece of meat (no wonder my Vanilla ice cream melted). Dessert comes after the main meal, after all.
I love them all - I know everyone here wants this to work. There are people here who can well afford not to work - they're doing it because they love the magazines. And if the structure weren't so messed up -- we should actually be moving forward and not running on the spot!
Me... I'm missing Jenn (she's on holiday in Melbourne - bless her). I miss Pam and her "Eh Threez" followed by some incredible you'll-never-pull-it-off idea that she proceeds to pull off. I miss Shaan and Ad - even though they are a 1-min walk away from my desk. I miss Alvin, even though I'm on his back daily about mockups for XYZ clients. I just miss our team - our little Vanilla corner of the world.
Bright spark of the day: Lydia Look comes to visit!!

Okay it's back to the grind. Thinking up ideas for clients. Finding ways to skirt around tricky issues. Writing advertorial copy.
I can totally empathise with you. Loving and liking the publishing to bits. It's just like me. Liking my colleagues to bits too even though we do have our fair share of ranting too. We all work as a team just like you and the Vanilla team. Tight deadlines and what have you. Just like me, planning my lesson plans for the new school term, looking for resources.. and the list goes on and on and on blah... blah.... blah...
I miss you "little Vanilla corner of the world" too, threez!
Reading what you miss about us... just the familiarity of the names... made me wanna cry. I miss you, threez... very much. And I miss my dear Shaan, sweet Alvin, Jenn, Adlena and Cass.......
SIGH. Please ask them to write, OK? And btw, my job is hardly glam.... I miss writing. Sorely.
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