This is them, sweet:

This is 'em a little...ku-ku (if you can make out what they've written, you'll see why):

Yep, I just bid adieu to 15 awesome months in MC today. As for the answer to the question "Where am I heading to next?", let's just say that I'm officially going out of style and getting into shape :)
Anyway, I refuse to call this a farewell you guys cos I know we'll all still meet somewhere somehow... there's also Alvin's and Shaan's weddings, there's FB and you know where to find me. Many thanks to all of you who've been good to me!
"We won't say our goodbye because it's better that way/ we won't break, we won't die, it's just a moment of change."
will miss you, adlena. and then there were four...
oh adlena, i know it isn't goodbye... but still, i feel sad. why? i guess it's cos our little vanilla team was so tight, so right. we had it all. and now it just seems everyone is going their own way. and what i knew and loved is slowly disintegrating...
but then again, you're right. it's not goodbye. we'll always have vanilla. and we'll always meet here ~ in this common space that joins us all ~ as vanilla survivors!
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