Sunday, November 16, 2008

How Life Looks from the Vantage Point that is 41

I turned 41 yesterday.

It was fun - yeah I'm still nursing a crazy-painful tum from a bad bout of gastric flu last week, but Hubby and I still managed to down 2 bottles of Taittinger at the Town champagne brunch yesterday *hic*.  I came home and my sweet mom-in-law bought me a chocolate cake from Cedele and my kids sang Happy Birthday to Mummeee. Happy :)

So I'm 41. That's 1 year older than last year. So many things I said I was going to do when I turned 40... Didn't do many of them. Sad. 

Will this year be different? I want it to be. I NEED it to be. When you get on the other side of 40 you realise you don't quite have as much time left as you initially thought you had! I have plays to write, books to author, songs to compose, a legacy to leave... so many things, so little time. 

So I'm doing what I do every start of a new year - just doing it a month and a half earlier this time - I'm making a list and checking it twice. I gotta get it done - okay, the list needs to be more realistic, so I can improve my chances of not sitting here writing this SAME message next year, haha!

Still, I am happy with life - God has been really good to me. Last week I watched my two older kids perform. They have a joy in their step that reminds me - when I was 7 or 9, life seemed a piece of cake. I could choose to do this, or that. There was no skill I couldn't master, if I set my mind to it. My father always made me feel like I could do anything if I really tried - and that's the same belief I pray I give to my children. God has given them talents obvious and hidden - and they can write, paint, dance, draw, imagine, invent absolutely anything they desire. The only thing they really have to do is WANT it.

And that's what I'm telling myself now - there's nothing I cannot do this year that I am 41. All I really have to do, is want it. 

I leave you with a (badly filmed) clip of my daughter (that's her with the big pink hairband right in the middle) tap dancing to Boogie Wonderland. I know I'm biaised, but she is REALLY good! 


Karen Tan said...

ha!! in many ways your blog entry is same as mine only yours is in dance class, and mine in the forest...

just remember that i've been 41 since's DOWNHILL FROM NOW.

no lah.

maybe we shouldn't make lists, only grocery ones. instead, we should only put down what we did. and i think we'll have quite a lot of things to note.

however, there will be one thing you can never do at 41, and that's be 40 again...woof!!

love you. not sure when we can meet cos i start filming tomorrow at 6am (!!!!!!!!). am doing this sitcom to earn some money so i can spend on the girls when we go JAPAN next month...Shibuya, you've been warned.


mjb said...

Your post reminds me of a conversation that happened recently between myself and an 8-year old neighbour, who had stopped me to ask about my famous "pai kah" dog.

After the initial pleasantries and niceties, the convo went like this...

"How old are you?"
"I'm 34"
"34?!!?!?!?!?!?! Are you married?"
"Er, no, I'm not."
"HAH????? You're 34 and not married????"
"Er, I don't know if I want to get married."
"Then who will look after you when you're old?"
"I'll look after myself. My girlfriends and I can all check into the old folks home together. Haha."
[indignantly] "Are you sure you want to do that? Anyway, do you have a boyfriend?"
"HENG AH!!!!!!"

Sorry for the caps, but they best capture her reactions -which ranged from incredulity to disgust to I dunno, revulsion.

Threez, I bet you this girl already has the 'life lists' you're gonna make!

Me, I'll take one day at a time, thanks.