It's like this dark cloud hanging over everyone. I have friends who are breadwinners, just waiting for their turn to be axed. I have friends in entertainment whose work is affected because there are just less people going out, less tourists coming in.
Like Karen, I worry for my dad who travels to India several times a year (again this month), and thinks we are over-reacting when we tell him it's dangerous. There's just so much fear & uncertainty. And it's not just in Singapore but around the world.
Hai-Yen came later, and it was great to see her! We stayed on to watch the video again, catch up, and just hang out till way after the event was over. Hai-Yen is still at it, by the way... the big-hearted energiser bunny who simply can't sit still.
Me with Hai-Yen (yellow) and Ros at the Enduro Africa post-event presentation @ Eden Sanctuary.
And Hai-Yen is still very much in touch with the girls from AG Home. Just last week, when Val & Kheng's teen musical "It' My Life!" started playing at the University Cultural Centre, Hai-Yen helped to rally the Vanilla cover girls to sponsor the AG Home girls tickets to watch the play. Well, the response was wonderful, and these are the girls we sponsored to go....
The Vanilla cover girls & friends sponsored all these teenage girls from Andrew & Grace Home to watch the musical "It's My Life!" that Val & Kheng Hua produced.
These things make my heart do a happy dance. Because nothing in these depressing times is going to stop our Vanilla girls from creating little ripples of love in their corners of the world.
1 comment:
Pam, you're ever the happiness bunny :)
Just to clarify, Hai Yen and I have spoken, I think Lao Liang Boot Camp is off for now - BKK is still too unstable and we're not prepared to take risks with supporters. She will be going to Phuket next Friday to do a recce and Boot Camp will happen sometime next year - possible Feb or March.
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