The first time I've had any contact or any clue as to who Ron Fletcher is(thanks to Levan Cher at
The Body Clinic), was because of a "Sportlight" article I did for
Vanilla (Feb 2008).
A year on, I actually got a chance to meet with the disciple of Joseph Pilates himself. I booked him for a 30-min interview initially but our conversation went on for two whole hours. I was just so intrigued and riveted by what he had to share. I never imagined having much in common or being able to click with an Irish/American-Indian 87-year-old gay Gemini like I did. It felt like I was talking to a celebrity, maybe Paul Newman, throw in a couple of demos of back-bending moves. And until what comes next, I thought the feeling was a one-sided affair.

Then a few days later, I got a call from Joyce of iPilates who arranged for my interview and who has the most incredible dog, a deep chocolate royal poodle-lab mix named Coco Chanel (pronounce as "channel"). She said Ron wanted my home address; he had something to send to me.
Turns out it's a Christmas card... all the way from Texas, y'all. But what he wrote inside (in impossibly huge, green letters) moved me further:
" I enjoyed sharing some time with you-- our 'natures' mesh well together and you do your work with style and ease-- I hope you get your foot, with body into Joyce's studio-- It's good work. Stay well, go well. Big Texas good wishes.p.s. If you come out this way, we'll open the gate. Ron"I digress: This is going into my "time capsule" of sorts, which include correspondences between my primary classmate, who moved to Melbourne when she was in P1, and I(i.e. from 1987 to 2001; saw how our handwriting morphs and we went from using pencils to ballpoint to computer typo), letters from love's lost and random scraps of paper autographed by the likes of Savage Garden and... Timothy W Go (yes, I got a secret crush on that newscaster!)
Sorry I know this post is completely self-centered but I thought to share and spread around some positive energy (since it's the start of the new year and all), which seems to be seriously lacking these days.