Just 5 minutes ago I made a really exciting discovery!
I found an old mailbox under the Vanilla mailbox - we had set it up for a challenge we ran in our September issue. It was a "switch to health" challenge, working with Xndo, a company that promotes not just weight loss but keeping weight off and health on.
At first we had received nothing. I was very distraught - I believed with all my heart that Vanilla women did not believe in quick-fixes, but were the sort of women committed to making a lifelong difference in their bodies, minds and souls.
But this morning - Ahhhhh! I found the mailbox titled "xndochallenge" and in it were 21 FRESH UNREAD EMAILS!
Just reading these women's frank and honest sharings about their struggles with weight and height brought my spirit back alive again. My faith has been restored! I could KISS the webmaster but he's quite hairy.
It feels great to know Vanilla women still exist. It was not a figment of my imagination or a product of my making. They live, they breathe, they hurt, they overcome.
So this blog STILL has a reason to exist. I'm overjoyed!
Okay, now I better send them each an email to explain why they haven't heard from us since September 2008...
SG - China - Kazakhstan : Part 4
7 years ago
oh threez, i love what you wrote. YES! our VANILLA women are still out there, and they have not been forgotten. oh, i miss vanilla!!! :(
on 2 jan, we had a guest called sylvia fernandes come in on our programme. stanley commented later that both of us really connected well and asked me if she was what i'd called a VANILLA woman.
i thought for a while, and said YES! she is a VANILLA woman. stan laughed and said, ok i think i know what a VANILLA woman is. and he's right. she exists and she's still out there. oh how i wish we can still reach out to her..........
okay, so here's a mad thought. you must understand i just ate my fave breakfast - bak hu sandwich and coffee - so my brain is awake!
maybe it's time to pitch a Vanilla Moments into the radio programme. it's not a tie-up to the mag, no need for any reference (else management will jump) but it's specifically to highlight a Vanilla woman, or a Vanilla product or heck, a Vanilla Man.
which, of course, will one day branch out into its own hour-long show but that's for next year.
Pam, if Stan understands what you mean, and has heard what you've talked about the Vanilla woman, then mayhaps it's not as difficult, it's just about packaging it.
"Life - it's what you add to it"
hahahahahahhahahahahaaa...i love bak hu sandwiches!!!!
hey girls...me tink me really have a spot-on idea of what 'vanilla' represents and i've been making pretty accurate suspicions each time i chk with pam. the radio show has always been about that same 'flavour'. a flavour that uplifts, inspires and invigorates! we just don't call it 'vanilla' here. ;o)
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