Friday, December 26, 2008
The fine line between a Stranger and a Friend

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Giving Thanks @ Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
unofficial post
Firstly thank you Threez for letting me write here and it looks so easy as compared to years ago.
2ndly welcome to the blog Lynne! (does any1 remember lynne?)
To me this blog serves as a reminder that although vanilla is not in the market now, it is a legend and if anyone is reading this and wants to pass it on pls do. This is a living legend and it will be for a very long time.
Off to rest.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Letting Go
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Little Ripples of Love
It's like this dark cloud hanging over everyone. I have friends who are breadwinners, just waiting for their turn to be axed. I have friends in entertainment whose work is affected because there are just less people going out, less tourists coming in.
Like Karen, I worry for my dad who travels to India several times a year (again this month), and thinks we are over-reacting when we tell him it's dangerous. There's just so much fear & uncertainty. And it's not just in Singapore but around the world.
Hai-Yen came later, and it was great to see her! We stayed on to watch the video again, catch up, and just hang out till way after the event was over. Hai-Yen is still at it, by the way... the big-hearted energiser bunny who simply can't sit still.
And Hai-Yen is still very much in touch with the girls from AG Home. Just last week, when Val & Kheng's teen musical "It' My Life!" started playing at the University Cultural Centre, Hai-Yen helped to rally the Vanilla cover girls to sponsor the AG Home girls tickets to watch the play. Well, the response was wonderful, and these are the girls we sponsored to go....
These things make my heart do a happy dance. Because nothing in these depressing times is going to stop our Vanilla girls from creating little ripples of love in their corners of the world.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
For Better or Worse, For Here or There
Friday, November 28, 2008
Stop the World
Friday, November 21, 2008
Because I wanna...

This is them, sweet:

This is 'em a little...ku-ku (if you can make out what they've written, you'll see why):

Yep, I just bid adieu to 15 awesome months in MC today. As for the answer to the question "Where am I heading to next?", let's just say that I'm officially going out of style and getting into shape :)
Anyway, I refuse to call this a farewell you guys cos I know we'll all still meet somewhere somehow... there's also Alvin's and Shaan's weddings, there's FB and you know where to find me. Many thanks to all of you who've been good to me!
"We won't say our goodbye because it's better that way/ we won't break, we won't die, it's just a moment of change."
Sunday, November 16, 2008
How Life Looks from the Vantage Point that is 41
Hit the Road, Jack
Saturday, November 15, 2008
We Heal....
In the middle of that night, I stumbled to the kitchen in the dark to get some water. I had forgotten that earlier in the day, my boys had played one of their imagination games and had shifted the coffee table to block the kitchen entrance (I think it was supposed to be a fast-food counter!). Well, I walked right into it. And what's more, with the house in pitch darkness, I walked into that darn table another 2 more times that night, bruising the same spot on my leg 3 times.
Here's my bruise (left leg) to show for it. There's another smaller one - but just as colourful - on my right leg:
Well, life goes on. I didn't do anything about it cos I knew I couldn't rub it, and medication wasn't going to make a real difference. It was probably broken blood vessels inside that would heal in time. So I left it as it was, and went about my daily chores.
Yesterday, I took a day off ~ my first since I started with 938LIVE.
As I was journalling, with my legs crossed, I noticed to my delight and amusement that my beautiful bruise of blues and purples was *poof* ... completely gone. Not a trace.
Such is the miracle: WE HEAL.
Whether we are aware of it or not, time heals all wounds. And God allows that process ever so gradually. Then one day, we wake up and realise that the pain that used to be so intense is no longer there. The memory of it may linger for a while more, but hey, we are OK.
It's true not just for physical bruises. When we bruise emotionally, I think the same thing happens. At the point when the injury was inflicted, the pain is so intense, so excruciating that we think we will never get over it. But we have to keep living, to keep moving forward, because there are other people counting on us. Life has to go on.
And then one day, we wake up and realise that the intense pain is no longer there. The memory may still be there, but what doesn't kill us, has made us stronger. And hey, we are OK.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Vanilla Cover Girls on 938LIVE!
That's on 938LIVE, 11.10am till 12noon, You can catch the interview via our website too: www.938LIVE.sg.
Just added! Ros & Yu Seung in The Living Room!
Pam posing with Ros & Seung's bikes outside Caldecott Broadcast Centre
Also, come 18 November, we'll have Kheng Hua (July 08) and her hubby Yu Beng + 2 teenagers come in to talk about "It's My Life!" teen musical. We'll be chatting about the teenagers' journeys of self-discovery as well the preparation that went into this very unusual and very "real" production. Should be a fun chat cos these are wonderful people to simply have a conversation with!
Just a heads-up for all of you lah. Our Vanilla cover girls still rock!
And Karen Tan... oi... welcome to Vanilla Survivors. Glad you are blogging with us. I miss your Pinch of Salt column. Always made me laugh and laugh! Especially the cross-stitching one, and the National Day "When I grow up" one. Hilarious!
Where is Ee Weun? Can we invite our food columnist to come blog here too? *wink*
I just started reading the news on air today. Seriously, It's sight-reading. They shove the print-out into your hands just seconds before you go on air! *faint* I have a new respect now for news presenters...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tell Me Lies

...wah finally...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Vanilla cover girls are meeting up tomorrow...
I still see Vanilla on the newsstands and it saddens me that very soon, we won't find them anymore. So whenever I see one, I still buy a copy. For old time's sake. Did you know that circulation recycles unsold magazines after 6 months? So copies of Vanilla older then 6 months can't be retrieved anymore... like FOREVER. *gasp*
Anyway, the Vanilla cover girls are meeting tomorrow evening for a potluck dinner! Yay! Grace Park has opened her home to us all, and I'm really looking forward to it cos it's at Keppel Bay, and she just moved in to a ground-floor unit with a patio. I hope we get a cool balmy evening, so that we can all sit outdoors! *grin*
Ros and Yu Seung are still in South Africa ~ doing Enduro Africa. Have you checked out their blog lately? It's linked to ours and they've been updating regularly. There are pictures posted too! They look like they are having fun. I am so proud of them! No pictures yet of Princes William & Harry though... *pout* Rosalind Ng! If you are reading this.............
Anyway, I'll take lots of pictures at our Vanilla cover girls gathering tomorrow and post them up on this blog. So watch out for it!!! Girls, if you wanna join us, please come. We can meet up and go together ~ will be fun to catch up with these amazing women once again! *beams*
Have a great Sunday & long weekend! Happy Deepaval! *wink*
Friday, October 24, 2008
Obama For Yo Mama

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No Time To Bleurrgh

I'm missing my, missing my Vanilla ice...
Pam is wondering where all us sorry Publishing people have gone. Woman, not everyone has a glam job like yours, okay?! :)
My past week has been spent working for two sets of clients: one, the advertisers (some nice, some nasty). Two, the editorial teams at MPB.
The editors are lovely - but stretched. Don't I know how it feels. Everyone pulls their weight - more than their weight.
Sales are working their bums off. But (can I say this in public) sometimes not very efficiently because everyone's after the same piece of meat (no wonder my Vanilla ice cream melted). Dessert comes after the main meal, after all.
I love them all - I know everyone here wants this to work. There are people here who can well afford not to work - they're doing it because they love the magazines. And if the structure weren't so messed up -- we should actually be moving forward and not running on the spot!
Me... I'm missing Jenn (she's on holiday in Melbourne - bless her). I miss Pam and her "Eh Threez" followed by some incredible you'll-never-pull-it-off idea that she proceeds to pull off. I miss Shaan and Ad - even though they are a 1-min walk away from my desk. I miss Alvin, even though I'm on his back daily about mockups for XYZ clients. I just miss our team - our little Vanilla corner of the world.
Bright spark of the day: Lydia Look comes to visit!!

Okay it's back to the grind. Thinking up ideas for clients. Finding ways to skirt around tricky issues. Writing advertorial copy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hullo? Hullo?
Are you all very busy these days? You don't know how much I'd love to hear what you've been up to in your little corners of the world. I miss you all..... Hope to catch you at media events some time. Please write!!!
Anyone going for MediaCorp D&D next Tuesday? I'll be there.....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Living Room Scribbles
Like Vanilla, we get a fair share of fascinating people on our programme. I've learnt so much from them, and wish I could share my experiences and reflections somehow. If not, like wasted lor!
So Stanley suggested we blog, and I thought "Yeah! Cool!" If you have time, come visit our new baby, "Living Room Scribbles", at livingroomscribbles.blogspot.com.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Check out the New Glam Pam!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Me and Mr Jones
The highlight of the night was the auction, which raised about S$40,000 (don't quote me on this because I had a bubbly, a martini and half a bottle of pale ale on an empty stomach when all of it was going on) for Jones' adopted charity, the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
So it wasn't only a roomful of party-goers who went home merry and contented; so would the three kids whose wishes--to party with Dora and Barney, to visit Hello Kitty Land in Tokyo and to have a MacBook computer to hone his design talents-- were granted. So kudos and shout out to Amanda Osbourne (thanks for inviting the Vanilla team!) and Bruce Chapman. It was really nice to finally meet you both. :)
And in case you're heading down to the store anytime soon, I hear there are some fantastic Christmas coffrets you can get. The prices range from $72 to $480. Though from their names, seems to me you don't have to use xmas as an excuse to get 'em (read: Cheese Lover's Delight, Jones BBQ, Chef's Selection, Weekend Picnic etc.)
My personal fave is the Platinum hamper because it's jam-packed (no pun intended) with triple berry jam and awesome buncha treats like Prestat champage truffles, sicilian choco biscuits, white truffle glaze and a Babero Hard Torrone-- great for any truffle-chocoholic. You can email dempseyhill@jonesthegrocer.com or call 64761512 to find out more.
Meanwhile, have a good weekend!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sponsor a teen girl to watch a teen play!

Remember July cover girls Valerie & Kheng Hua shared about their upcoming teen musical "It's My Life!"? Well, time flies man and tickets are already on sale ~ through Gratecrash (www.gatecrash.com.sg).
Musical debuts 27 Nov, and the Vanilla cover girls are thinking of going together cos there's a group discount if we can get 10 pax. So far, we have 6. Anyone interested to go? [Followers of this blog can also join us! You're most welcomed!]
Val & Kheng will meet us after the musical, so I think it will be fun! We can all have supper together nearby! =P
Anyway, Hai-Yen is thinking of bringing the teen girls from Andrew & Grace Home (www.aghome.org.sg) to watch the musical, and we thought it might be a good idea to "sponsor" a girl each. Group discounted ticket costs only $21.
Anyone keen to join me to sponsor a teen girl to watch the play? :) I think it will be a very moving & powerful experience for them... and it may even open possibilities for them. Who knows?
"It's My Life!" is done entirely by teens and for teens. And the amazing thing is that the kids share their own real-life personal stories, struggles, hopes, fears, dreams... through song. I think Corrinne May contributed a song too! ;P
So if you'd like to (1) go watch the musical, (2) sponsor a teen girl from Andrew & Grace Home, or (3) both..... let me know. I will gladly help coordinate.
I think it will be fun if we ALL went together! :D A Vanilla outing... Shall we? Shall we? Followers of this blog are welcomed too!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Sleepy Lunch and Fresh-Baked Bread
I decided to drive us out to an old, old eating spot my former colleagues at Female (waaaaay back when it was still published by MPH and our office was in Tagore) introduced to me in 1997. It's called Salt & Pepper Cafe and it's situated at the Singapore Teacher's Union building in Teacher's Estate.
Amazingly, it was not only open, it was packed! The old aunty who used to take orders wasn't there anymore but there was the younger lady who was either her daughter or daughter in law.
We sat down and she flittered over and said, "What do you want? What do you want?" and we were like, "Um... one hor fun... does anyone wants mee goreng?"
"Excuse me can you hurry up? Got other customers!" she said.
Jenn's face was a picture of shock and Lindy looked like she couldn't believe her ears. We wound up ordering:
1 x hor fun ("You must say seafood or beef!")
1 x mee goreng ("Eh, if you're sharing you must say or else I give wrongly!")
1 x mixed veg ("You want to try our yong tau fu?")
4 x chicken wings
1 x seafood ngor hiang ("Get one seafood ngor hiang lah!")
1 x egg fuyong
It was too much food, maaaan. We were eating fit to burst. But the bill only came up to $41.
After that, we drove to this traditional bakery on Kalidasa Road - they still make the good old "skinless" loti that we all grew up with. The mere scent of fresh-baked bread tugged at my car wheels till we were parked just outside and bread fiend Adlena was the first one there asking for her "skin-on" loti. We each bought a loaf (except Lindy) and I added one pandan "ice-cream" loaf.
1 huge, feed-family-of-8 loaf = $1.80
1 pandan loaf = $.90
Jenn is now saying I'm making her hungry ... Where shall we go for lunch today??
Vanilla clinches 2 Journalism Awards!!!
Although Vanilla is shut down, it is still not forgotten. We are still winning Awards for our stories! :D
For Apr-Jun quarter, we won:
1. Story of the Month (Apr 08) ~ "Woman, Save the Earth" (Earth Day feature)
2. Creative Series of the Month (Jun 08) ~ "Fighting Fit" (Dee Dee's cover story).
Thanks Joel & Fongfan!!! :-* If you're reading this, I so miss working with you two on the cover shoots. I cannot believe I will never, ever get to do that again... *sob* We were just starting to have fun, weren't we? :(
I was down at Publishing today to settle some stuff. The office felt so different without all of you around. It's like the place is familiar, yet foreign. Like a dream gone wrong.
Anyway, I dropped off some dark chocolate with whole cherries & brandy, and chocolate marshmallows for you. They are with my chocolate buddy, Diane. Pick 'em up from her tomorrow, OK? [Diane - thanks for the caramel chocolate fix!] =P~
Miss you all so much.......... let's meet up SOON.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Contest answers
1 - Cas
2 - Theresa
3 - Pam
4 - Ad
5 - Shaan
6 - Jenn
So, was William spot on? :p The debate begins now. And most importantly, who got the most answers right? Come claim your bottle of bangkit from me!!! Congratulations:)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Desperately Seeking... Writing
Other than contributing to this blog, and starting my own personal blog, I've started to keep a journal again.
I carry this red journal in my bag everywhere I go - like in the old days - and if I have a few moments, I write.
I used to journal regularly for years. Well, until I became a full-time writer. Then it stopped. But now that I've stopped writing, the journalling has come back.
It tells me one thing: Writing is, and always will be, my natural choice for self-expression.
If there is anything I want to say, to put out there, it flows most naturally through the written word. And somehow, writing will find a way to bob up to the surface, even if I try to press it down like a beach ball in an ocean.
So what does it say about me being a... er, radio presenter then??? Hmm.
Don't forget me if you have interesting story ideas or writing projects... I will write for FREE.
Is Sarah Palin a Vanilla Woman?

I know I'll probably be shot, grilled and eaten in strips for saying this but I love Sarah Palin. I'm not sure she's as sincere as she ought to be and yeah, she's definitely big on the power trip thing but she is 44, she is smart, and she is nowhere as dodgy as Obama. Oh and she has a VERY VERY cute baby. Sorry, I'm an emotional voter.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Whose writing is it anyway?
***UPDATES (as on 3 Oct, 530pm): Wow, a very enthused response, I like. As such, I'd like to extend deadline to 5 Oct, Sunday, 6pm. Besides, yours truly won't have access to her comp nor internet over the weekend, so you've got more time to response! Have a good one folks.-- @
Ooh... I'm writing the first entry for October. :)
I wanted to share this with the team but completely forgot, no thanks to all the craziness of the past weeks.
OK. About a month ago, I took the liberty to get the Vanilla-iens handwriting analysed by an expert. It was supposed to be part of Nov issue's "Useful Last Page" but since that won't happen, I thought it'd be fun to share the "findings" here. It makes for a good insight (maybe) to the Vanilla-iens, and a chance to create some kinda reader participation-- if you (like to) believe in this stuff :)
Ok, Shaan, Jenn and Cas wrote a couple of lines for me but others were based on some rough notes (Theresa) and what Pam wrote on her x’mas card (last year) to me. The expert was Mr William Pang, handwriting forensics scientist who was at a Faber Castell event I went to (with Shaan) at Elephant & Coral at Wheelock Place.
He was very helpful, and super patient-- I say that because the moment the PR person announced we could all get our handwriting analysed by him, a loooooooooongggggg queue immediately snaked and I was the last few with SIX sets of handwritings for him to analyse at one go!!! I learned a lot from him. William's the go-to guy when the courts need someone to detect forgery in documents etc and has recently published a book on the subject (which alas is sold out, so contact him if you want to know how to get your hands on a copy). For more about William and what he does, check out http://www.graphology.gq.nu/
So... here's how I'm fun-ning it up for Theresa, Pam, Cass, Jenn and Shaan: Instead of telling you straight up which is yours, guess which's actually describing you! It's all verbatim to what William said. Or, you can also guess which describes who. Shaan, you already know yours, so shhhhh…Sorry ah Alvin, missed you out 'cause I was in a hurry and couldn't find any doodles you made and you weren't in the office at the time!)
**Contest closes on 3 Oct, Friday, 11.59pm Singapore time. Submit your answers through "comments". Readers/ followers are welcomed to participate... for fun!
p.s. Any resemblance to any persons or situations, past or present is merely coincidence or a cruel joke disguised as a coincidence.
- Thrives on systems/ methods to do work. Good sense of concentration. Friendly but needs a lot of personal and emotional space. Decision-making is not based on logic alone, but also on experiences and gut feel. Best job: admin/ training/ HR/ accounts.
- Sensitive personality, usually affected by mood changes. Opportunistic in many ways, not patient to the non-essential, talkative to like-minded people. Needs to be prepared to listen more.
- She's most comfortable when she knows what she's doing. Instructions given to her must be clear. She likes things to be secure-- no surprises. The mind matters over the heart; if something needs to be done, it needs/ will be done. A lot of artistic talent and appreciates the arts. She'd rather settle conflicts with tact rather than fight, is physically active, cannot sit still or just wait for things to happen. Is persistent, determined and critical at times. A one-way traffic type of person who has a generally formal nature.
- Appears to be discipline about things she does. Comprehensive thinker, learns quickly. Good in communication. Strongest traits: analytical and investigative. An ambitious person who dares to take a fair amount of risk.
- Fairly easy-going person who is definitely socially active though selective (to certain people). Decisions are made by intuition although routine work is acceptable, she'd like an amount of variety instead of just bekng glued to the table e.g. some hours in the office, some outside. A bit of a sensitive person who will not survive well in hard-selling/ high-pressure jobs.
- The way she thinks is clean cut, likes a simplified lifestyle. She hates non-essentials and gets irritated quickly. She needs a lot of independence and will be the happriest if given a chance to express creativity. She doesn't like to be told more than once. She ensures that responsibilities are met and is non-negotiable in her final decisions.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A new beginning at 938LIVE...
It was a real eye-opener for me sit behind the "control panel". OK, I don't know what it's called, but it looks like an airplane cockpit. Here's the view from where I sit...

Can you believe I'll have to operate this contraption BY MYSELF soon? *faint* I can't even begin to explain to you what I have to do to switch from this to that to this to that.... and you know how tech-unsavvy I am!
The Living Room does about 2-3 interviews a day, so I will still get to meet all sorts of interesting people. But can you imagine the number of interviews we have to schedule? It's like 10-15 a week, almost 60 a month! :o
Stanley is really good at putting people at ease! He keeps the studio spick and span between interviews, and cares enough to make sure the interviewees have "warm" water to drink (apparently it calms them down!). He is also very patient teaching me. SIGH. I'm like learn yesterday, today forget already lor! :(
Here's a picture of the area around my desk:

My desk is the one on the right, with the packet of half-eaten Malay food on it. Yes, the people at 938LIVE also tabao from canteen and makan at their desks! :P
Sitting to my left (in white shirt) is Stanley -- look at his messy desk! He can't even eat his lunch there cos he only has one small, small space to move his computer mouse around! :o
The pretty lady in red is Casandra - she hosts Body and Soul - with the "blue blur" (in the pic) beside her, Daniel Martin. Melanie Oliveiro and Eugene Loh sit in front of me, on the other side.
It's a small cosy office. And since everyone takes turns going on air, the whole team is hardly around at the same time. But there is always friendly banter and laughter flying around. The vibes are very positive -- and that's most important to me.
I've got a nickname -- first thing in the morning already kena. :(
Because the office is so small and quiet in the mornings, everyone can hear everyone else typing on the computer keyboards. So here I was replying my email... tip-tapping away furiously... when Stanley looks up and says, "You can always tell when someone is from Publishing. They type like this lor..."
Daniel says it's like I'm killing my keyboard. And so my nickname now is Keyboard Killer. :(
As for the work........ let's just say it's a VERY STEEP learning curve for me. So many technical things I have to learn! I seriously think you need an engineering degree to be in radio. :P And that's just technical........
But I thank God for this opportunity.
There are Vanilla fans in CBC who come up to me to ask why Vanilla closed down, and how I'm coping. I tell them the truth: "I'm still grieving".
My chocolate buddy Diane sent me some Ferrero Rocher today. It arrived in the mail and when I read the note, I almost cried. It brought back a WAVE of memories of Publishing. Guys, I miss you!
But don't worry about me. I'm doing OK in radio and am enjoying the new adventure! As a dear friend would say, "All is good".
Missing you all, and wishing we can meet up again soon. Don't forget me!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Is There Anything We Can Do To Reverse This Decision?"
For every $500, you gotta pay $110 more.
I'm sorta glad I could help. Ha!
And if next month's bill from Singapore Power is gonna bum you out (which I'm sure it's gonna be, who wouldn't, that's one heck-a-lot of an increment!!! Thank goodness I haven't had to pay any... YET), you can try watching this to cheer you up... a bit. It never fails to make me laugh although I've watched it for the umpteenth time.
One last thing, to all our Muslim friends out there: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin. Man, this Ramadan surely zipped by.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Casandra Speaks!
Vanilla as my first-full time job, I'm just so lucky.
I don't regret a single day getting to know six amazing team members over the past 9 months.
Shaan - Like I told you before, its so much fun turning around and having those random gossips and chatter about crappy things. From the fat dude who wears the hula grass skirt to like a certain someone going back to India to get married! Well, now it's YOUR turn to get married. (I told you so!)
Adlena - Adlena Wong! Always giving Shaan and I THE FACE. Yea lah, you too cool for our lame jokes. HAHA! Hmmm, well, you're the first person I've met that eats pineapple with that grey powder! Anyway, I really really hope you can start running again! And don't worry about that certain someone you might have to sit next to. Just give her THE FACE. Hehh!
Theresa - You are the nicest and sweetest boss ever. Always helping us out and protecting us. Thanks for all your help when it came to you-know-who. I really really (x100) appreciate it. :)
Pam - I will never forget the time when you spoilt my birthday surprise! I can still remember you saying very loudly, "Shaan!? Why are you waiting for me in the TV room?"
Whenever I think back about it, it makes me smile. Pam, you make me smile! :)
Jenn - You can make me laugh and cry (its a good thing). You make me laugh at the things you say (jokes, lame stuff, normal talk) and cry automatically whenever you pray for me.
Alvin - the only guy in the team! Hearing you crack a joke or two is like, "wow! Alvin is being lame!" I wish you all the best in your new job posting!
Yummy Bakes and my Fave Food Writer...
Today I found myself thinking of a story angle for food - "reinventing Polar Cafe".
Saturday, September 27, 2008
They tried to make me go but I said "No, no, no!"
Everything from start to end's still fresh in my mind though.
Just slightly over a year ago, I picked up my first copy of Vanilla outside of TCC at Paradiz Centre after a cuppa coffee (ahh, the coffee that connects us all to Vanilla) with an ex-colleague. I read it and thought, wow, would be awesome to be able to write for this mag.
The next thing I knew, I was surfing the Mediacorp job site wishing and hoping for an opening (I saw there was only Pam and Stephanie (then senior ed) on the editorial team staff list and thought, hey they need a writer... like me!). There was an opening! The job description for the magazine was like a give-away, VV :). I took a long shot and emailed my resume directly to Stephanie. The next day she replied, "Yes, Vanilla's looking for a writer. I'll forward your application to HR." I was elated.
To cut the story short, I got my dream job. Being part of Vanilla is the first step to my field of dreams in magazine journalism.
For the past 15 months, I must say that going to work at Vanilla is like... brushing my teeth: I do it willingly, automatically, zealously every morning; it's something so simple yet meaningful and it's an oh-so-good a habit to have and keep!
Plus, I'm not sure where else in a workplace I could sneak out during lunch time to swim some laps at the nearby YCK pool without getting strange stares or shocking reactions like I have not (ok, maybe sometimes from Azmin, our ex-ed assistant who sat beside me; only she knew my lunch-time indulgences. Now you do too!) at Vanilla.
I also remember how Pam and I dropped our work and drove all the way to Empress Place to take part in an (impromptu) race last year! Of course I thought, my asst ed is nuts! But as a newbie, I just went along with it... plus I love running. It's my heart and soul. That's why it's a double blow for me when Vanilla closed. I just lost my ability to run (temporarily I hope) after my bunion surgery 3 months ago and now I can't write for Vanilla. Boohoo.
From the beginning I could see myself as a Vanilla-ien for light years to come, no kidding. It could've been a platform for me to prove to myself and my friends that "youngsters these days" (I was the youngest in the team until Cas, our ed asst and designer Jenn came along) can too stick to a job like our parents stuck to their jobs for decades. But that's not to be.
Nonetheless, I (as my fellow Vanilla-iens) see this as "when a door closes, another door opens" kinda situation. It has been so far; I'll be honing beauty journalism in Style:. I think it'll be another awesome (albeit different) experience so wish me luck!
A Stroke of Insight
When my friend Adrian (he's this really smart guy doing his PhD) pointed me to this website www.TED.com, I checked it out cos to be honest, it was a boring Saturday afternoon and I had nothing better to do.
But TED is this amazing website that features inspiring speakers in various fields, sharing ideas that are... well, worth sharing!
Anyway, I chanced upon this woman psychiatrist called Jill Bolte Taylor who - at the age of 37 - suffered a stroke.
Imagine, a brain scientist who had a chance to study the phenomenon from the "inside", and recount the experience step by step. Compelling!
The best part is that Jill is very expressive, funny, and in touch with her emotions in a very "Mother Nature" sort of way. So she would re-enact the whole experience in vivid detail. I have to tell you -- she made me laugh and cry!
Why I am blogging about this?
Because at the end, it's about her discovery of what humans are capable of in creating a better world. And in my book, that's "VV". [refer to Threez's code]
So without spoiling the fun for you, here's the link: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_s_powerful_stroke_of_insight.html
Elmo & Chris Brown See the Signs
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saying Goodbye
I was at an all time high exactly two weeks ago to the day. I was four days into my surprise trip to France, in a tiny town which wasn't even on the map, in the Champagne region of the country - being proposed to under a million stars during a midnight stroll. The days that followed were filled with blue skies, swimming in pristine waters in St. Tropez, walking along the Seine, staying in chateaus and driving along country roads with the one person I've loved for the last six years. Three days before returning home, we got robbed of everything - passports, surprise tickets to watch madonna in paris, laptop, camera with my 600 precious photos, phones, credit cards and a substantial amount of cash. But even that couldn't bring us down for long and we got immigration papers from the embassy and bought replacement tickets to watch Madonna throw the biggest party ever at the Stade de France in Paris on our last night.
What did bring me down was the last thing I expected to discover in the first hour of my first day back at work - Vanilla's end. As Theresa mentioned in her first blog entry, I could not believe it was happening, had happened all while I was away on vacation. Over the last few days, with the support of Theresa, Pam and the team who have all had a week or so to adjust to the reality, I think i'm finally there too. I finally realize that there will be other avenues, other ways of putting our message out there, and as someone really wise told me yesterday, we each have the Vanilla DNA in us, to inject into whatever work we set out to do. It won't be easy to find something I will be as passionate about and as proud of, but I know I've come out of this with amazing lifelong friends, knowing we've made a difference and fifteen issues I'll always treasure...
Goodbye, Vanilla. Je t'aime.