Friday, February 20, 2009

Captain, Our Captain!

Today is Theresa's last day with MediaCorp, and the Vanilla team reunited to take her out for a farewell lunch. So brilliant is my dear Shaan to remember that when Threez first joined us, the first place SHE brought US was Swensen's @ Thomson Plaza. So for our lunch date, it was there that WE bought HER.  

Vanilla Reunited 
(Front, L to R) Jenn Chew, Theresa Tan, Adlena Wong, Shaan Moledina
(Back, L to R) Lindy Tay, Pamela Ho. Absent: Alvin Leow, Fongfan

Adlena has since left MediaCorp and joined SHAPE magazine, so that spunky, sporty girl made her way from yonder to join us. I too have moved to radio, so I flew over from Caldecott after going off-air at noon. 

As always, it's wonderful to see the Vanilla girls! Our gatherings are always full of laughter and good ole' conversation. I know it sounds surreal, but our editorial meetings have always been sort of like that too! 

We trickle into the room with our coffee mugs, magazines... share ideas, listen to each other, joke and chuckle like mad women, often going off tangent & talking cock, but somehow we manage to create a good product every month that's real and relevant, that speaks to women, and elicits a barrage of reflective letters & email from readers.  

And I would say that what Vanilla always had going for it are two things: (1) passionate team members who believe 100% in its value and purpose, and (2) incredible leadership. Threez is definitely that for us: The visionary, full of passion & compassion, who is gung-ho enough to take risks, fight for her "chicks", and make the near-impossible happen.

Threez, I will never ever forget working with you on my IWD story, "Women of the World" (March 2008). To this day, I still can't believe we managed to pull it off: 20pp featuring women from around the world, without compromising on Vanilla's visual standards (Alvin, you were brilliant!). Gosh. "Don't scared! We find photographers in Cape Town, Phnom Penh, Cebu to shoot the women..." YOU ARE MAD. 
But that's why I've always felt your support. You often think me MAD, but you give me freedom & license to pursue my ideas because you trust me. And that's so important for all of us who work with you, Threez. We have room to be creative, to explore, to grow. And you always make it a point to hold our hand, groom us, and encourage us. Regular bosses demand and take, but the really good ones give generously, without reservation or condition. YOU are such.

It wasn't at all a sad farewell gathering, was it? *grin* I guess we all know we'll always stay in touch and be firm friends. I know these nuts will always be in my life. And I promise not to disappear from theirs. And who knows, if God wills, we'll get a chance to work together again?

And Threez, because you are forever "VV" in our eyes, we've put YOU on the final cover of Vanilla

If there ever was a true-blue Vanilla Woman, it's Theresa Tan
From your Vanilla team... WE LOVE YOU.


Shaan Moledina said...

thanks for blogging about this, pam pam. and yes, threez, we love you!!!

Pam said...

shaan... blog!!! ;P

Threez said...

OH MY LORD! My tummy is HUGE!!! QUICK, D-I! D-I!

But seriously thank you so much guys - you are so amazing. Showed all your sweet notes to my hubby and he was so touched.

I mean to blog - Jenn saved all your notes on PDF... now to find my thumb drive...

D! said...

:)) threez u're missed! but i'm glad u're out there... so what are ur plans next?